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Invited Presentations

Here, you will find an overview of the main research projects that I have been involved in in the recent past.

Academic Presentations

  1. Invited speaker. Reflections on the role of system dynamics in integrating justice in sustainability transitions. 10th European System Dynamics Workshop, 01/02.06.2023. Stuttgart, Germany.
  2. Keynote speaker. Exploring the intersection of system dynamics, resilience, and sustainability in food systems. XVI International Scientific Conference of Environmental and Climate Technologies CONECT. 11.05.2023. Riga, Latvia.
  3. Invited speaker. Reflections on the role of participatory modeling in creating social change. Workshop on “Social movements in the post-growth transition of food systems: exploring research gaps”. 13.12.2022. online.
  4. Invited speaker. On participatory systems modeling to build adaptive capacity with resource users in developing countries. Forschungskolloquium Pädagogische Psychologie, Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg.11.2021. online.
  5. Invited speaker. Working towards system dynamics modeling and simulation of policies in Co-Create. Joint STOP / CO-CREATE / PEN symposium 30.06.2020. online.
  6. Keynote speaker. Navigating between analytical rigor and inclusiveness in participatory systems modeling. Symposium on “Paradigms, models, scenarios & practices in terms of strong sustainability”. 04.12.2019. Clermont-Ferrand, France.
  7. Invited speaker. On using system dynamics to build adaptive capacity with small-scale farmers in developing countries. Hotspot gender+ symposium: Who’s talking? Stakeholder involvement in environmental planning, agriculture and gender equality. 27.08.2019, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  8. Panelist “System Dynamics at Sixty: The Path Forward”. 37th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 22.07.2019. Albuquerque, NM.
  9. Keynote speaker. #foodcanfixit. How food and system dynamics have given me a career. System Dynamics Colloquium, 37th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 21.07.2019. Albuquerque, NM.
  10. Invited speaker. Sustainable and healthy diets. Synergies and trade-offs in Switzerland. 9th European System Dynamics Workshop, 02/03.05.2019, Galway, Ireland.
  11. Keynote speaker. Synergies and trade-offs between healthy consumption and sustainable production. 5thISEKI_Food Conference, 05.07.2018, Stuttgart, Germany.
  12. Keynote speaker. On using system dynamics to build adaptive capacity with small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. 2nd International Conference on Simulation Technology. 26.03.2018. Stuttgart, Germany.
  13. Invited speaker. Evidence about dynamic decision-making based on a field experiment with African farmers. 8th European System Dynamics Workshop, 01/02.06.2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
  14. Invited speaker. Ökonomische und ökologische Wirkungen der Schweizer Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft: Bestandsaufnahme und mögliche kritische Faktoren in der Zukunft. Tagung der SGA-SSE, 30.03.2017. Chur, Switzerland.
  15. Plenary speaker. A system dynamics framework to promote sustainability in the Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia social-ecological system. 33rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 19-23.07.2015, Cambridge, MA.
  16. Keynote speaker. System Dynamics zur Verbesserung der Nahrungsmittel-Versorgungssicherheit in Afrika. 9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für System Dynamics. 12.06.2015, Berlin, Germany.
  17. Input presentation. ”Was heisst nachhaltige Intensivierung für die europäische Landwirtschaft?” Workshop on Sustainable Intensification. Tagung der SGA-SSE. 17.04.2015, Bellinzona, Switzerland.
  18. Invited speaker. ”Dynamic simulation modeling in social-ecological systems.” Seminar Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. 06.02.2015, University of Zambia, Zambia.
  19. Panelist. UNEP Workshop. “Modelling for Green Economy – A Technical Workshop on Improving the T21 Model”. UNEP, 16/17.09.2014, Geneva, Switzerland.
  20. Plenary speaker. „Good governance in a complex world. System dynamics for agriculture and food security“. 32nd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 24.07.2014. Delft, The Netherlands.
  21. Invited speaker. "Exploring synergies between system dynamics and social-ecological systems frameworks. The case of the Swiss agri-food system between production, environmental and public health goals". 6th European System Dynamics Workshop, 25/26.04.2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
  22. Keynote speaker. “Planificación para la adaptación al cambio climático con la ayuda de modelos de simulación. Experiencias y lecciones de Burkina Faso en África.” Seminario Iniciativas Bajas en Cárbono en Energía. 02-05.04.2013, Universidad del Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia.
  23. Keynote speaker. “Sustainable agriculture and climate change. Policy analysis and design using system dynamics”. EUDII 23 (Encuentro Universitario de Ingenieros Industriales), 26-28.09.2012, Cali, Colombia.
  24. Plenary presentation: “Assessing understanding and learning about dynamic systems.” 30th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 22-26.07.2012, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
  25. 2nd round interview ERC (European Research Commission) Starting Grants: “Simulation based tools for linking knowledge with action to improve and maintain food security in Southern Africa.” 30.05.2011, Brussels, Belgium.
  26. Invited speaker. “Combining system dynamics and conjoint analysis for the design of sustainable policies to increase food security in sub Saharan African countries.” 5th European System Dynamics Workshop. 23-26.03.2011, Frankfurt, Germany.
  27. Plenary presentation: “Model-based exploration of strategies for fostering adoption of improved seed in West Africa.” 27th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 26-30.07.2009, Albuquerque NM.
  28. Invited speaker: “Making the value chain work. System dynamics modelling to assess the role of intellectual asset and property management in seed systems.” Workshop on MVI proposal Intellectual Property Rights, 09.12.2008, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  29. Invited speaker: “Closing the loop. Promoting synergies with other theory building approaches to improve system dynamics practice.” 3rd European System Dynamics Workshop, 23.03.2007, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.
  30. Invited speaker: “Employment and population dynamics in rural Switzerland.” Third Meetings of the EU Projektes insure. 19.04.2005, Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung, Karlsruhe, Germany.
  31. Invited speaker: “Modellierung der ländlichen Entwicklung in der Schweiz – ein systemdynamischer Ansatz.” DFG Research Group „Strukturwandel und Transformation im Agrarbereich“ (structural change and transformation in agriculture), 10.06.2004, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany.
  32. Invited speaker: “Processes and determinants of rural development in Switzerland.” Cornell System Dynamics Network, 09.04.2004, Cornell University, Ithaca NY.
  33. Invited speaker: “Processes and determinants of rural development in Switzerland – an economic and system dynamics perspective.” Brown Bag Series, 08.04.2004, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA.
  34. Invited speaker: “Agenda for modeling processes and determinants of rural development in Switzerland.” DAPS Brown Bag Series, 29.01.2004, State University of New York at Albany, Albany NY.

Research Communication

  1. Invited speaker. Blick in die Zukunft der Herausforderungen für die Agrarpolitik: Erfahrungen aus Norwegen. Schweizer Agrarpolitik Forum 2022. 02.09.2022. Zollikofen, Switzerland.
  2. Panelist. Panel on Careers in System Dynamics. 40th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 22.07.2022. Frankfurt, Germany.
  3. Panelist. Publishing Assistance Workshop. 40th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 19.07.2022. Frankfurt, Germany.
  4. Invited speaker. Understanding complex systems: challenges, tools and applications. Webinar OCHA Centre for Humanitarian Data: “Complex Systems Modelling: An Opportunity to Better Understand and Anticipate Humanitarian Needs?” 29.06.2021. Online.
  5. Keynote speaker. System Dynamics?! How it started – How it’s going. IAW Compagnons. 24.06.2021. Online.
  6. Panelist. Connecting the dots. Systems thinking as a unifying language in interdisciplinary work. “Ocean Sustainability Bergen Conference 2020: Treasures from the Ocean Science, technology and management systems for a healthy and productive ocean.” 11.11.2020. Virtual conference.
  7. Invited speaker. How can System Dynamics contribute to transformation in social-ecological systems? 21.09.2020. Dresdner Planungsforum. Online.
  8. Presidential address. Crises as opportunities. 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 21.07.2020. Virtual conference. Presidential address available at
  9. Invited speaker. PhD for innovation. Experiences with the pilot version of a PhD course on interdisciplinary problem solving and creativity. SDG Conference Bergen, Day Zero, 05.02.2020. University of Bergen, Norway.
  10. Invited speaker. Simulation-based field experiments to study dynamic decision making. Modelers lunch, 05.07.2018, Agroscope Reckenholz, Switzerland.
  11. Keynote speaker. Entscheidungsprozesse für Landwirtschafts- und Ernährungssysteme in Entwicklungsländern. CVP Parteitag. 20.05.2016. Lenzburg, Switzerland.
  12. Keynote speaker. Wie sollen 9 bis 10 Milliarden Menschen ernährt werden? Und was hat das mit Simulationsmodellen zu tun? Lions Club, 24.03.2016, Zurich, Switzerland.
  13. Invited speaker. ”Ernährungssicherheit und Ressourceneffizienz in der Schweiz – Ein Widerspruch?” Winterkolloquium 2014/2015 des Zürcher Amts für Landschaft und Natur. 13.11.2014. Zurich, Switzerland.
  14. Keynote speaker. „A conceptual framework for the discussion of targets and indicators for a post-2015 goal on food and nutrition security through sustainable agriculture and food systems. High Level Roundtable Background Paper.” High Level Roundtable on Food and Nutrition Security through Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems in the Post-2015 Agenda. 27.03.2014. New York, NY.
  15. Keynote speaker. ”Targets and Indicators for Sustainable Development Goals on Food and Nutrition Security through Sustainable Agriculture.” Consultative Meeting:  National Targets and Indicators for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on Food and Nutrition Security through Sustainable Agriculture. 13.02.2014. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  16. Keynote speaker. ”Setting a goal for food and nutrition security through sustainable agriculture and food systems.” Food Security in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: What Objectives for What Outcomes? A workshop organized by IDDRI and FERDI. 29.01.2014. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paris.
  17. Panelist comments to “A practitioner’s guide to green economy modeling tools.” Expert Review Meeting on Major Green Economy Products. UNEP, 4/5.11.2013, Geneva, Switzerland.
  18. Invited speaker. “Synergies and trade-offs between environmental and economic outcomes in agri-food systems. A system dynamics approach to scenario and policy analysis.” Ecosystem Management Group Seminar Series, ETH Zurich. 17.06.2013, Zurich, Switzerland.
  19. Invited speaker. "The challenges of modeling agriculture. Experiences from a system-dynamics based application in Switzerland". Modeling Inclusive Green Economies - An International Workshop. 7/8.05.2013, Bergen, Norway.
  20. Keynote speaker. “Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft Schweiz 2050 – Modellbasierte Wirkungsanalysen von Strategien betreffend Ressourceneffizienz”. Tagung Ressourceneffizienz im Dienste der Ernährungssicherheit (REDES). 06.02.2013, Zurich, Switzerland.
  21. Keynote speaker. “Food for all. Recommendations for enhancing the implementation of food security and sustainable agriculture and food systems.” High Level Roundtable on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture, 15.03.2012, New York.
  22. Plenary presentation: “Possibilities and limits to activate entrepreneurship. Experiences from a project in the canton of Grisons, Switzerland.” VIth European Mountain Convention, 09.10.2008, Brig, Switzerland.
  23. Panelist. „Zweitwohnungsbau - Wirtschaftsmotor mit Tücken“ (secondary residences construction industry – economic motor with pitfalls). Rondo, Pontresina, 26.04.2005.
  24. Panelist. „Vernetzt verstrickt oder erfolgreich? – Wissenschaftlerinnen und ihre Netzwerke“ (Female researchers and their networks). University of Zurich, 07.07.2004.