Interviews, Podcasts & Webinars
- Women in Systems. Inspiring and Empowering Women in Systems.
- NESC Energy Work Programme: Systems Workshop on 19/11/24.
- Studenter undersøkte potensialet for bildeling i Vestland.
- 12 questions to Birgit Kopainsky. GAIA. 32(4): 344-345.
- Fra krisestemning til jubel: Fikk flere søkere til tross for studieavgift.
- New tuition fees are coming: – We don’t think we will get a lot of international students next year.
- BOOK LAUNCH: Systems Mapping: how to build and use causal models of systems by Pete Barbrook-Johnson and Alexandra Penn (panelist). CECAN. 27.09.2022.
- Episode 6. Systems Science in Public Health podcast series. 30.08.2022.
- En mulighet for småbønder i Afrika. Bistandsaktuelt. 22.04.2022.
- PhDs stepping up to policy brief call. SDG Bergen, University of Bergen. 24.06.2021.
- Practitioner Profile: Birgit Kopainsky, University of Bergen (UiB), Norway. System Dynamics Blog WiSDom. 18.03.2021.
- Group Model Building Online. Experiences and Insights. System Dynamics Society Seminar Series. 10.03.2021: Follow-up blog post.
- Når systemet kollapser må system-tenkerne innovere – for å innovere. OPPkvikker – faglig frokostmøte med Universitetet i Bergen. Innovasjonsuken OPP. 14.09.2020.
- 2020 ISDC presidential address Birgit Kopainsky. July 2020.
- A first of its kind (pioneer): PhD Interdisciplinary course at UiB. SLATE News. 23.10.2019.
- FN gir ph.d.-kandidatar ved UiB ei utfordring / Creative problem solving. The UN gives PhD candidates at UiB a challenge. University of Bergen Aktuelt / News. 11.04.2019.
- Med blikk på bærekraften i europeisk landbruk / EU funding for climate dynamics project. University of Bergen Aktuelt / News. 08.12.2017.
- På randen av en matkrise. HUBRO, 2014, 20-21. 17.04.2017.
- Growing on the Ground: Building authentic mindsets for development with System Dynamics. 2017.
- UiB-forskere lytter til afrikanske bønder / Listening to the voices of Africa’s farmers. University of Bergen Aktuelt / News. 14.10.2015.
- On the verge of a food crisis. The UiB Magazine, 2014/2015, 24-25. 06.08.2014.